Kosher Food Bank and Dress Down Day Reminders

Hi Grade 7 and 8.

Don’t forget our class challenge: 2 Kosher Food Bank Items per person, brought in for Friday!

Also, Friday is a dress down day is this Friday; This month the school will be donating all $ to the Cure Foundation in support of the Breast Cancer Foundation.



7C and 8W Homework: May 27th

Hi Grade 7 and 8!

Both grades are working on Probability this week and next. Each night you will have homework to complete (one sheet each night) Top left hand corner tells you what Lesson it is for.

Tonight’s homework is a probability review sheet: Homework #1 “Intro To Probability.”

Please complete tonight and return tomorrow.



6R Homework: May 27th

Hi Grade 6!

We’re on to the second last unit of the year: Fractions!

This week we’re dusting off our “Fraction Files” in our heads and in class, as we prepare to move forward next week with Fractions. To prepare: please complete ALL 5 portions of Khan Academy “Common Denominators” for Friday!

Here is the link to login (with your Google Account)




Grade 8 SJCC Pool Prototypes: Real Life Math in Action!

Grade 8 has been busy working on their SJCC Pool Budget Proposals!

We’re getting down to the final expenses in our spreadsheets. It’s been a long yet meaningful process connecting all of our math strands to find the cost and amounts of “re-vamping” the outdoor SJCC pool and even adding a circular hot tub! Real Life Math in Action!

Students had to use scale models to find:

  • All costs of the pool for 3 months plus reno costs; such as the following:
    • electricity
    • water delivery
    • water charge
    • re-paving
    • re-tiling
    • painting
    • fencing
    • water consumption
    • evaporation rates
    • employees
    • employee E.I. and CPP Contributions
    • membership costs and possible algebraic equations to break even and make a profit
    • Taxes
  • Along with a graphed analysis when the budget proposal is complete, students also had to construct and make a scale model “prototype” of what their pool may look like.

Great work guys and gals! We’ll be completed the entire project in 2 weeks!



8W Homework: May 21st

Hi Grade 8!

Homework for this week is to work on your SJCC project!  This portion is due this Friday! You should be on your final parts of this portion (i.e. evaporation rate, water sewer charge, updating your spreadsheet etc.)





6R Homework: May 21st

Hi Grade Six

Your homework tonight is to find 5 objects at home (just identify and and list them) that are either a prism or a pyramid. List them and bring your list to school tomorrow!

We will be talking about them tomorrow as we move through surface area of 3-D shapes : )



Did You Know? Mrs. Cleveland has been busy!

Did you know that I have been planning the OAME (Ontario Association for Mathematics Education) conference for the past three years! and….tick tock…it’s now happen in just mere days! Yep! A whole province wide conference!!

We have over 1500 attendees of teachers, professionals and educators from across Ontario, as well as over 500 speakers and presenters from around the world visiting the conference for just over 3 days! WOW! It’s been so much work, but it’s been so worth it! Also, being able to work so closely to the one and only Marian Small, (who is the Head Chair) has been an absolute delight and experience I will treasure forever!

OAME 2019 is happening in Ottawa this year May 16-18. With my role and positions on both the board as a chair on this planning council, and with my executive role and position on the local board COMA (Carleton Ottawa Mathematics Association), soon to be O34ME, places me in an amazing position to not only prepare, organize and implement this conference, but also as my role here as Math Specialist at the OJCS, to bring some of my wonderful colleagues along to participate in many of the hundreds of sessions and courses being offered.

Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Kom, Mrs. Bennett, and Ms. Krantzberg will all be attending many wonderful and meaningful sessions this week at Ottawa University during the conference on Thursday and Friday. I am so proud of my colleagues and so look forward to learning with them, and bringing new ideas, inspiration, and math moments back to the OJCS!

Some of the sessions in which they will be attending are the following:

  • Harnessing the Power of Assessment in Mathematics
  • Number Structure: Reconceptualizing NUmbers with Depth, Breadth, ad Complexity
  • Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility
  • Structures for Differentiating Middle Years Math
  • Teaching on the Edge of Understanding and the Speed of Learning
  • Teaching for Mastery
  • Improving Teacher voice in the Math Classroom
  • #slowmath: Reflecting, Connecting, Communicating
  • Strengthening Math Instruction and learning trajectories in K-1
  • Building Fluency in Junior and Int Grades
  • Math Thinking using Code
  • Personalized Learning Environments in Math
  • What does Understanding and Thinking actually look like as fundamentals in K-8 Math.

We will also be tweeting out and sharing our learning experience with our fellow colleagues here at the school as well as the greater digital community as we all continue to grow our own Personal Learning Networks.

You can follow all of our learning and time at this year’s conference by following the Twitter Hashtag #OJCSlearns, and also by following myself @mathemachic Mrs. Thompson @melissa_thomp Ms. Krantzberg @LKrantzberg

Can’t wait to have you all follow along with us as we bring the best math practices and techniques back to our classes to make math meaningful and momentous at the OJCS!

Yours in Mathematics,

Mrs. Cleveland


8W SJCC Pool Project Part #5

Hi Grade Eight!

We are in the home stretch of our SJCC pool Projects.

The next portion is due the week of May 21st

You will need to pass in the following completed:

  • Volume calculations
  • Water amount
  • Water pricing
  • Evaporation amount
  • Evaporation weekly refill pricing
  • Sewer charge
  • Surface Area calculations
  • Paint Amount
  • Paint Pricing
  • Everything posted and inputted in your spreadsheet

Here is the video we watched today that you can reference back to about finding the surface area of a cylinder WITHOUT a top.


8W & 7C Gauss Math Contest

Hi Grade Seven and Grade Eight!

This year, the grade 7 and 8 students will participate again in the Waterloo Mathematics Gauss Contest.

“The CEMC develops and administers many internationally recognized contests to help to inspire the next generation of students to develop an interest in and love for mathematics and computer science.” ~Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, Waterloo University

The OJCS will write the contest on Tuesday, May 14th during the first two periods. The contest is 60 minutes in length and calculators are allowed.

We have begun, and will continue to go over contests from previous years’ to become familiar with the wording of questions and the marking scheme.

The Contest is a fun way to measure your own growth and abilities. The mark (your score) does not become of your final math mark. It is just one point of your own growth in your own mathematical learning continuum.


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