Middle School Expectations and Accountability through Distance Learning

Just like while we are in school, you have expectations to keep you learning and reaching your full potential in your academic growth. Through distance learning, you are still accountable for your learning, it may be slightly adjusted, but remains quite the same.

As we navigate this, things may change and be altered as needed to ensure learning is accessible and fair for everyone. We understand that situations come up, and we will navigate this as we go.

You are responsible for:

  • Logging in to Live Sessions and Homeroom classes (Google Meet) in a timely manner
  • Submitting your work (that was assigned by your teacher, and how the teacher requested, sharing documents, e-mailing etc.)
  • Continue to communicate with your teacher, if you are having problems. (e-mailing or google chat sessions- just like raising your hand in class, or extra help at the teacher’s desk)
  • Not disrupting the learning of others (this means, paying attention and not distracting others from Live sessions, no side chats that are distracting, no physical disruptions etc.)
  • Trying your best, as always!

The teacher is responsible for:

  • hosting live sessions with students to ensure classes and material is clear and provide support in learning and digital navigation
  • be available during the OJCS learning dayl 8:45am -3:45pmĀ  via email to answer any questions you may have.
  • Providing feedback to you and assessing/changing materials if things need
  • Supporting you to continue to work and try your best!